Responsive-Professional IT Support from UTEC

As UTEC (University Office Technologies) has grown our customer base over the past 41 years, we have done so with providing responsive and professional support.

Recent feedback from customers has confirmed our support has been at the highest level and customer satisfaction and service is our top priority.

UTEC has provided hardware and IT on-site support to the Jefferson Schools since 2012. "Onsite support is critical to a school system" explains Mark  Funchion UTEC Director of Technology. "If the teacher has a lab full of  students and is about to initiate a state standardized test and there is a glitch – we need to be there now—not four hours from now!"

Even day-to-day items like support for the luncheon cash register in a timely basis can be a priority. "I just wanted to let you know that several times this school year, food service has needed assistance with programming/computer issues and Eric Roberts has done a great job helping our department. Today was no exception. We were able to receive prompt service to get our register back up and running in time for lunch services. He was also able to reinstall some programming that I needed." Jennifer Raymond-Brown, Food Service Director.

Having on-site tech support enables the staff and support personnel to become familiar with each other from the five-year-old kindergarten students up to the administrators.

Another client, Lincoln School Systems has offered recognition to UTEC  on-site support specialist, Trevor Funchion. "Just wanted to let you  know that Trevor is awesome! He is so helpful, gets right on my  requests and never makes me feel stupid (which is rare for tech support  in my experience!). Lincoln is fortunate to have him." Sra R.C. Mata,  Spanish Teacher, Lincoln High School.

UTEC also serves several clients via remote. This is done UTEC specialists in their Ann Arbor office. Local client SIKO Products in Dexter has sales engineers in the field and when they need support, they reach out by phone, UTEC remotes into the problem and can fix the issue. Responsive and professional results set UTEC apart from other IT support providers. Tony Dorstewitz, MagLine Product Manager at SIKO recently shared: "We get great tech support on our laptops from you folks and I just have to say—it’s been GREAT! I’ve worked places where the tech support was non-existent or just bad and it such a pleasure to have any issues get solved. Yesterday, I called in while traveling with a problem. Within a very short time, Brice was on the phone and we had it fixed. He was pleasant, professional and efficient."

While UTEC acknowledges and appreciates the on-site and remote support they offer during normal Monday-Friday business hours, they have also stepped up whenever there has been a need regardless of day of the week or time of day. "If a server goes down over a weekend, that client can not wait for that repair and we are there to provide support and fix the issue", states Mark Funchion.

Just as important, the component of responsive and professional IT support comes from a proactive approach to monitoring activity and anticipating issues. Staying on top of virus issues and security risks that change daily is of the utmost importance.

As IT Director Funchion explains: "Most people are familiar with Xaas (X as a service) That "X" can be software (SaaS), Infrastructure (IaaS), Network (NaaS), etc. SaaS is probably the most common with Office 365, Google Docs, and GoToMeeting to name a few. These are all great inventions, which have allowed small businesses access to software and computing power they never could have supported on their own and large businesses to be more fluid and agile than before. However, as with most great things people look for ways to exploit that technology for bad.

One of those evil things is Ransomware as a Service. (RaaS). Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts your files and charges a fee – the Ransom – to decrypt them.  What RaaS allows is anyone to sign up and deliver Ransomware to an individual or business without having any technical or programing ability. They just need to be able to fill out a web form. The prospect of this is frightening because any upset customer becomes a potential hacker. This fact means that having proper security measures in place are critical.  These include training for your users, a firewall, anti-virus, and a good backup. And it is not enough for these items to just be in place they need to be managed and kept up to date."

For information on building your security toolkit for your SE Michigan business. Contact Dan Heimler, Sales Director at UTEC or call (734) 434-5900.

"We get great tech support on our laptops from you folks and I just have to say–it's been GREAT! I've worked places where the tech support was non-existent or just bad and it such a pleasure to have any issues get solved. Yesterday, I called in while traveling with a problem. Within a very short time, Brice was on the phone and we had it fixed. He was pleasant, professional and efficient."


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